Monday, 24 October 2011

Friends and not feeling good enough about yourself

Hi all, me again. I uhm, have something really important to talk about about and its a big thing in my life. I have really fit in, and I'm sure a lot of you have the same problem. Being accepted into something, when all they want is another one of them. It's not possible. Unless they duplicate your brain and clone you body, and then merge them both together. A bit confusing, but oh well.
The main thing I need to get off my chest is that I have never really, been in the 'in' group, even in my own group, I'm kind of an outsider. I've never really felt accepted even though they say I'm a big part of their group. The last group I was in, I was an outsider, even though the other girls said I was a major bit of it. That didn't last long, and the one before I was never really in, I was just 'friends' with one of the girls who ended up hating me, but then after 5 months of fighting we became friends again. Over glue, I mean who becomes friends over glue? Thats right, me and Chloe.
But anyway, I never been the one to brag about myself, I personally think I look ugly and would do anything to look pretty. I also think 'I'm not good enough'. Why the '..' marks well, their is two types of girl out there. The ones that finds flaws in them selves that others don't see because, come on, what girl doesn't want to look beautiful?
And then theirs the girls that think that they are all that and are the most beautifulest and coolest girl out. The girls that expect everyone to ask them out to the prom or just to be their boyfriend, and they think that they'll get everything because they're 'all that'. But really they're just bitches.
I'm the first one. I don't expect to get everything, even though I do want it, I'm not going to hide how greedy and unselfish I am. I don't think I'm 'all that' and I don't think everyone should kneel at my feet because I look nice and am cocky.
Okay, enough about me and my problems, this is not a diary or a Facebook status, this is a blog, my random rants that go on and on and on. This is about how you can conquer the asses of your friends, and find true friends, like I have found with mine, even though they're not best friends yet.
I just wanna give out a bit of advice, to all of those people who is like me, look at the mirror, once is a while, put on a pretty dress or in my case, my Justin Bieber jacket, converse and leggings and stare at your reflection. Your beautiful, no matter who tells you your not.
And for the people that are stuck up? Stop being stuck up and enjoy life, get dirty and have fun, instead of spending hours doing your hair and make-up and editing you Facebook pictures.
If any feel the same way, comment, we can talk.

Sorry my incessive selfishness and ranting skills, I call it a talent ;)


Thursday, 20 October 2011

12 and 13 year old girls have relationships. Anything wrong their?

Okay, I truthfully hate people that are my age; 12, and are in a 'relationship'. I mean what are you going to do, complain about homework and school? I think it's stupid because its not like you hold hands, or go out on dates, you just talk on Facebook or text each other, when in class or in my case, at the bus stop, say hi and smile or when you see each other at the shops its not like your going to be alone. You'll be with your parents! How romantic is that.
I mean I don't have a 'boy friend' because all they are is friends, who is a guy. I mean for kids my age, even hugging is a big deal, let alone kissing. You should 'go-out' when your old enough to have a job and are allowed to go out to the movies, with out having to use your parents money.
I have a big issue with this because theirs a girl in the class who I shall call Kate, because she might read this. Okay 'Kate' has a boyfriend and when ever something, anything is brought up that relates to her 'boy friend' every one yells out Kate and her boy friends name. I find it stupid and un-needed. I would much rather do English than listen to their stupid jokes about their 'relationship'. Their isn't much of one because when I'm at the bus stop at my school, the boy friend who I am naming 'John' is with his group of friends while Kate's with hers. And when ever John's friends' make him go over to Kate, they look at each other awkwardly, say hi and then one of them walks off. Kate goes to her friends and starts to giggle like a 2 year old playing peek-a-boo and all her friends are like aww, shoo cute. Its not cute, its stupid and odd, and un-needed.
But then we get to the facts of 9 and 10 year olds having 'relationships'. My sister is in a relationship with a boy I'm calling Steve and I shall call my sister Jane (I make up a lot of 'names' for people because all my friends who read this know these people). She says she 'loves' him, when she doesn't even like him. First thing I shall tell you about my sister, she's b!tch. She loves to be the centre of attention and popular and if she has a chance to be Queen Bee, but she has to dis her friends, she'll do it. But anyway, everybody said go out with Steve, go out with Steeeeeve! And she said yes because if she did, she would become even more popular. And what she does is every 2 weeks she breaks up with him, so she becomes more popular and cool and then after a week, she gets back together with him, and she is loved by all. Its a fortnightly thing and its kinda sappy. Because on Facebook, she's 'married' to him. I mean I'm 'married' to one of my friends, Annelise (yes thats her real name) because thats the way we role, and no we are not lesbian, I like boys and as far as I know, so does she.
But anyway, since my sister is 10 she thinks that all her Facebook siblings thats she accepts are her real siblings and parents and aunts and uncles and all that crap. So at school, her best friend who is younger than her is her mum, her best friend who is older than her is her daughter and her 'boyfriend' is her husband. They have 5 kids and 4 mums and 2 dads. It fails. But her 'daughter' and 'son' are 'going out' (a lot of apostrophes their (: ) so I find that a bit incest. But yeah.
As you may have guessed, I rant a lot so just, beware and don't get scared, I'm weird, so what?
Well overall relationships from the age 7-13 are just awkward, weird and un-needed.


First Blog, Good or Just Plain Crap?

Okay, I'm not going to go on about how popular and pretty I am. I'm not going to go on about how rich I am and how much I love life. Because truthfully, I'm not popular, I'm defiantly not pretty, from what I know I'm not rich and I hate life.
I'm 12 years old and I'm in Middle School. My name Paige, like the piece of paper. I hate homework and I love my Mac and wifi. I would die with out my friends and Facebook, and writing and reading is my passion. I'm weird, a bit of an outcast, but do I look like I care, actually don't answer that because you can't see me. I love my life sometimes when I don't get assessments and homework and occasionally my family.
Normal people hate Mondays, I hate Wednesdays. Normal people hate reading, I say screw them. 
I've never been 'normal'. I'm odd, and weird and quirky, but my friends are even weirder than me, so who gives a damn and I occasionally steal my friends sour cream & onion Pringles c; 
I go to an all girls school, which sucks, because of the fact their are no boys. We have to wear dresses and we get detention if their above our knees. It sucks eggs. We have to wear boaters, don't know what they are, search them up and then feel sorry for me. But thats just the summer uniform, in winter, I wear a tartan skirt. I mean we're 12, not 82. Tights, a blouse, a tie! and black lace up shoes -_- Yeah, school sucks. 
I get heaps of homework, and my sister is the most annoying creature alive, except for the kids that live down the road. I don't have a best friend, because a best friend to me is not just someone you hang out with, it's someone that sticks up for you, stays by your side and never leaves it. 
I catch a bus to school and play games on my Mac during maths. I can't draw even though people say I can and I hate people that lie to you and hack your Facebook account to ruin your relationship with your good friend who lives in Rockingham when you trusted them with your password. Also the girl that sits a couple of seats across from me, who keeps on 'mothering' me when she's like 5cm smaller than me.
My life is messed up and crazy, and unorganised, but I like it that way. I love the Twilight Saga and in my sad little mind, I'm married to Edward Cullen and Justin Bieber<3
I only created this blog so I could get in the habit of writing each week, so read, laugh, and cry at my sad excuse for a life, but don't judge because, my life is mine and is no one else's, I'm not a Facebook status to be liked.
